Friday, December 31, 2010

LEGO Compass - without a magnet!?

"A compass that doesn't need a magnetic needle? That might sound impossible, but the ancient Chinese worked out how to make one 4500 years ago.  An ingenious combination of gears and wheels ensures that a "pointing chariot" features a needle that always points in the same direction. Now you can make one too—from Lego bricks."  New Scientist TV.

I didn't know the Chinese had LEGO 4,500 years ago!

In earlier blog entries I have shown you LEGO creations that are working computers (Babbage) and a LEGO reconstruction of the enigmatic Antikythera mechanism, but another ancient machine has now been recreated (and works) made in LEGO.

Go to the original New Scientist TV web page to see video of it working, and links to kits of parts, parts lists, and instructions on how to build the "pointing chariot" step-by-step. Link here: no-magnet-compass-out-of-lego