Monday, November 15, 2010

blxbrx: LEGO model of the day: from mahjqa (again)

I saw this and I was struck by how LEGO can be useful, not "just a toy". This builder has made a camera dolly, which is a vehicle that carries a camera and often moves the camera around. It can position and move the camera and take pictures in ways no one could do if they were holding the camera.

AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO) Peer Kreuger's fascinating Power Functions-enhanced "camera vehicles" are used as mini dollies to record videos of his Lego creations. I have highlighted Peer's work in a previous blog entry (see ) under his nickname of "mahjqa", where he was using his own driving camera dollies to film his other LEGO creations on the move. Go to his Flickr photostream (lots of Power Function vehicles, including ice racers!) by clicking the link here: mahjqa's photostream