Nannan is 19 years old and just completed college in St. Louis, Missouri, hoping to become a Medical Student in 2011.
He is also a regular constributor at the Brothers Brick which I have highly recommended before.
His MOCs are amazing.
"Nannan’s ubiquity of presence and prolific building has earned him recognition in contests, other blogs, the BrickJournal magazine, and most recently in a two-page feature in the Official Xbox Magazine, which circulates well over 400,000 copies per issue."
If you want to read more about him, the rest of his bio is on The Brothers Brick from when he was nominated as a LEGO Ambassador, at http://www.brothers-brick.com/2008/05/20/nomination-bio-nannan-zhang/

Nannan's Flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nannanz/