Saturday, December 18, 2010

LEGO Star Wars III game

Lego Star Wars 3 is an action/adventure game that takes place between Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith in the Star Wars timeline. The story pulls both from the films and from the successful CGI Cartoon Network TV series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
"Lego Star Wars 3 is larger in scale than any Lego game before it. The developer can get up to 300 Legos on screen at once for huge, epic battle scenes or space fights, creating a real sense of chaos and urgency in some of the high points of the story plot. We saw the arena from the end of Attack of the Clones recreated using over a hundred different Legos on screen at once all fighting each other - and it looked almost as chaotic as the scene from the movie felt." (Gamepro)

There are a few new Jedi abilities, such as being able to throw lightsabers around like projectiles or use the force to lift battle droids and utilize their gunfire. Clonetroopers come in several flavors, too, including some armed with chainguns and others with rocket launchers.
One of the Clone Wars’ new gimmicks is something that LucasArts is calling Scene Swap, allowing players to swap back and forth between pairs of action sequences running at the same time.

More details and info:
Release Date: mid Feb 2011